What Is Collaborative Family Law?

At Gibbs-Ruby Law, PLLC, we practice Collaborative Law. This process allows families to work together with a team of trained professionals to resolve their issues without the need for litigation or lengthy court battles. Our goal is to help you get results that satisfy all parties involved while minimizing the time, expense, and uncertainty that can come with litigation. Collaborative Law is cost-efficient, compassionate, and beneficial to all involved. We also practice other forms of non-litigated family law. If you want to avoid trial we will do everything we can to keep you out of the courtroom, and keep decision-making in your hands.

Our services

  • Collaborative Divorce

    We understand that divorce is a difficult, personal decision that can have a major impact on your life. By choosing Collaborative Law, you have more control over how your divorce is handled, and more access to the resources and support that you need to come to a mutual agreement.

  • Mediation

    Our trained, impartial mediator can help you resolve a wide variety of issues while avoiding the hassle, expense, and time of a trial. We will work with all parties involved to find a resolution that is in everyone’s best interest. Mediation is often more cost-effective and can take much less time than a court case.

  • Pre- and Post-nuptial agreements

    Marital agreements, whether before or during marriage, can provide peace of mind, protection, and security. Our team will help create a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that protects both parties and accomplishes your goals. We can also help you create relationship agreements for your poly family, or your non-marital relationship, too. Please note, for this process all parties must be represented by their own attorney to create equitable agreements.

  • Child Support Modification

    We are here to help you, whether you need a new child support agreement or have to modify an existing one. Our compassionate, human-first approach ensures that the child’s needs are kept front and center, and keeps you out of the courtroom.

  • Mediation Support

    We can support you through court-ordered mediation, help prepare you to attend the mediation, and walk with you through every step of the process to help you avoid trial.

  • Family Law

    Our experience with non-litigated family law services extends beyond what’s listed here. If you need help with a family law matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us - we’re happy to work with you.